Past Experience

Skilled Trees has been fortunate enough to have had this contract since 2010 and feels that we have gone about our work in a professional and efficient manner that has been beneficial to Council and would look forward to continuing this working relationship.

Skilled Trees are a preferred supplier to Building and Asset Services department, while we provide tree work for housing, hospitals and schools we do also provide Arboricultural Reports when required.

Fulton Hogan took over from Citywide in 2017 and Skilled Trees Services was contracted to undertake street tree pruning as well as all other non-scheduled tree works required in the Sector 2 area.

Skilled Trees Services has recently been awarded the contract to supply tree services to Defence Housing Australia which service the defence community in Townsville.

Maintenance work was required at these gardens. The only difficulties we has was time as we where booked out, to overcome this we reshuffled bookings and made a day available to the gardens without to much inconvenience to others.

We have worked alongside Guides Queensland to help maintain their grounds at Bluewater Camp Site and Guide Hut in Aitkenvale. We have pruned trees and been able to give advice on necessary future work. Our services are voluntary but extremely worthwhile.

For the past 6 years the QCWA has enlisted our services on an as needed basis, our work has included de-nuts, removals and organising an excavator at QCWA’s request.

Safety was the main issue on this job with the close proximity of palms, people and vans. We were careful to plan the day for specific sections at specific times to minimize risk, signage, flagging and spotters where essential and the outcome was a success.

We Sub-contracted for Ingham W and T Garden Bails to de-nut cocos nucifera at Taylor’s Beach. Work needed to be completed within 3 days so we arranged for 2 climbers and accommodation for staff to ensure this would be met.

Emergency work for fallen trees completed on the same day as requested and clean up after Cyclone Yasi. We also deadwood the Albizia saman during each school holidays as well as implement our fertilization program for optimum health of these magnificent trees to ensure their health and the safety of the students.

We removed the 27 Cocos nucifera from Kokoda memorial pool. Wet weather was an issue with this work; we kept in contact with Townsville City Council on our progress and finished the work as the weather allowed.

Citywide took over Section 2 Townsville from 2012 to 2017, we contracted to them for the entire time for services of pruning, removals, de-nuts and grinds as required. We receive work orders, inspect site, complete work within timeline, receipt work with delivery docket a purchase order is raised, we then send in invoice.

Emergency work was required at Riverways with a hanging snapped large branch. We immediately flagged the area off with appropriate signage and removed the hanger the same day. We were also required to put up the Christmas lights in the Albizias at Riverways with not much notice and completed this job within their timeline by working on the weekend.

Skilled Trees also worked with Townsville City Council in The Palmetum to dead wood the Albizia saman and when required repaired the irrigation in the canopies. Some removals were required.

Orpheus Island Resort requires their cocos nucifera to be de-nutted at 6 monthly intervals and has entrusted this task to us for over 3 years. Timing is of great importance due to the barge and tides as well as resort guests. To overcome this we have had to use hand saws to lessen the disturbance as well as 2 climbers to speed up the process and 1 ground crew to operate the chipper outside the resort which they hired from us.

Skilled Trees has been privileged to be able to work in these beautiful gardens with our work involving dead wooding, pruning, de-nuts and removals of vines and trees. We worked closely with the Townsville City Council to achieve a very high standard of tree maintenance.

Townsville West State School required our services to undertake a thorough clean out of the schools grounds. These needed to take place at a time when there where no children on the premises. Office staff worked with the principal of the school and grounds keeper to gain access and to keep a time frame to allow works to be completed with no children on site.

Skilled Trees has been working with various real estate agencies to provide tree pruning and removals as required. Agents send through work orders and we complete the work within a 2 week time frame. Importantly, as there are 4 parties involved being the landlord, property manager, tenants and us, communication was key to getting the work done in the time frame required while working with the tenants to cause as little inconvenience as possible.

Adam Cozzitorto worked in Adelaide for Para Trees Pty Ltd for 9 years and was a leading hand for the contract with Sailsbury City Council for pruning, removals and stump grinding of street trees.

After Cyclone Yasi passed Skilled Trees was out on the streets the next morning for the massive cleanup and continued to make all machinery and staff available to Council for the duration until no longer required.