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Arborist Service

There are many people working in the tree care industry. Unfortunately, too many of them have little or no training and therefore recommend and carry out bad tree work. Often these people will refer to themselves as an arborist when in fact they are just 'tree loppers' with no understanding of what their uneducated practices or advice to tree owners causes in the short and long term.

Skilled Trees are AQF Level 5 Arborists and we provide our clients with a range of Arboriculture Services that are listed below:

  • Safety Inspections
  • Hazard Identification
  • Tree Assessments and Reporting
  • Root Maintenance
  • Treatment and Fertilization Services
  • Pruning to AS4373-2007 
  • Cable and Tree Bracing
  • Tree Surgery
  • Tree Management
  • Stem Injecting
  • Root barrier

Skilled Trees Professionals...


Skilled Trees is based in...
Townsville, QLD Australia

Contact Details

Mobile: 0447 739798
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